Virtual Primary Care & Virtual Urgent Care when you need it most

Access to Doctors anytime from anywhere!


Confidential, Convenient, Anytime Doctor Care for the Entire Family

For as little as $22.95 per month

(No copays ever)

Priced to meet your needs

From 24/7 access to telemedicine visits, to your doctor e-prescribing your medication to over 64,000 pharmacies nationwide, to shipping your chronic medication right to your door for free, we make it easy!

Total Convenience

TeleLINKRx is your convenient 24-hour access to board certified healthcare providers for non-emergency health issues. Healthcare Professionals are available to you when you are at home, at the office, on the road, even when you are on vacation. Available anytime from anywhere! Get medical advice, care diagnoses, even a needed prescription without leaving home, with a simple phone or video call.


You can call as often as you need and never be charged a per call or session fee. Medications can be filled same day for acute needs, and maintenance or chronic medications are shipped to your home within 3-5 days. See our formularly list for all covered medications. Your prescription not on the list? You can get up to 80% off all FDA approved medications. 

Our Doctors Can Help With

And Much More!